Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Maggie Goes Shopping

(This was from a few weeks ago, but since our computer wasn't working much at all, it was difficult to post some cute pictures, so excuse going backward a bit.)

This weekend John took Katie out to Pittsburgh to meet our new nephew, Timmy. Since I wasn't allowed to travel that far anymore and Maggie wouldn't do an out and back long trip in a day well, she and I went to church. Now that she isn't as clingy to Mommy, the church nursery is the funnest place ever, and I usually come back to some sort of tea party in the kitchen area.

As a special treat, I took her to Darrenkamp's afterward to pick up some milk and a treat and she got to push her own cart. Even though I probably looked a little nutty taking her picture in a grocery store, I couldn't resist because she was so cute.
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