Monday, January 24, 2011

A Very Vera Crayon Roll Up TUTORIAL

There are a ton of crayon roll up tutorials out there, I even have an awesome one by skip to my lou on the sidebar, but I had a tweak in mind for a while and just went with it. I have been on a crafty streak lately (almost finished with Becky's baptism dress!!! I'll share soon!) and Katie asked me to help her design and make a purse. Oh boy. We'll see how that goes, but we have lots of drawings and last night we sketched out some pattern pieces. I guess I'll make a practice one with scrap fabric before we cut into her special fabric she picked out.

Anyway, I was saying that it isn't an original idea to have a crayon roll up by any means before I went on my tangent. This is designed to be quick and easy because it is using prequilted fabric (the name came from the fabric that reminds me of Vera Bradley purses) but you can find this fabric at JoAnn's and snag it fairly cheap with a coupon. You can use your stash fabric to make a quilt sandwich and practice free motion quilting, using the practice piece as a base for the project.

one 14" x 9" piece of quilted fabric
two 14" x 5" piece of coordinating fabric
two 16" lengths of coordinating ribbon
1 package of binding or about 2 yards of binding to sew on
matching thread

1. Cut out your fabric

2. Iron the two pieces of coordinating fabric in half lengthwise

3. Mark sewing lines on the coordinating fabric starting 1/2" in from the side and at every inch mark. For example, 1/2", 1-1/2", 2-1/2"...etc).

4. Line up the fabric to be the crayon pockets so that the folded edge is toward the middle of the larger fabric and the open side is along the edge.

5. Sew starting with a backstitch down each line. Trim all threads.

6. Attach ribbon to the inside edge. Take care that it is 1/4 of the way up from the bottom (or down from the top) so that when it is folded in half and rolled the ribbon will hold it closed.

7. Attach your binding around the edge of your project. There is a great tutorial by Elizabeth Hartman found HERE.

8. Add crayons for portable fun! As you can see Maggie wouldn't let go of it for the picture. = )

Personal Use Only. If you would like to make these for charity or profit, please contact me first. Feel free to share this link, but link to this page, don't copy this tutorial to your own site. Thanks!
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  1. I love the re-vamp of the regular crayon roll! I featured this today on Hoo's got talent! Thanks for linking up to the party!

  2. A friend has asked me to make her a crayon roll for her daughter. She would pay me for it, and I would be making only one. I like this one best, as she is looking for one that will hold a lot of crayons (oil pastels, actually) and this would just work better than the single row type. What do you think? Credit would be given, of course.

  3. @Dais: Absolutely! That is what I like about this design...and the crayons won't fall out everywhere.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi! I linked this to my blog ( This will be a great Christmas present for the greats this year! Thanks for the tut!

  6. You were featured today on Today's Top 20!


  7. Love crayon rolls!! Thanks for auditioning for OMTWI!!


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